Friday, October 30, 2009


Alright alright... i have been slacking on updating... a lot.

I have some good excuses, I swear!

I had been going through the housing purchase process, which was a pain in the ass. It ended up with me finding someplace, having some headaches, but eventually closing on the place one week ago. So there has been a lot of work going on with the place right now - ie everything has been spackled, sanded, and is in the process of being painted. Maybe I am crazy, but I feel like a fresh coat of paint will do the place more justice.

Aside from that I am working crazy hours at work, trying to get done a number of random other things personally, and still trying to have time for a social life. Let me tell you - it isnt working out so well.

I guess here is to hoping I can get things situated in the house sooner than later. I have until the end of November before I absolutely have to be out of the apartment... but I would much rather have things completed within the next two weeks or so, in order to get back to something of a "normal" life.


there holly - i posted for you.