Tuesday, June 30, 2009

memoir material

With some of the odd people I meet, I feel I should chronicle it for a memoir of sorts. Let me explain...

Yesterday I made my way over to Cigars International (which is a large cigar lounge / store) and was quite set to read my Dostoevsky while enjoying the pleasures afforded by a good cigar. I figured I could read and kill a little time before my dad called to stop over, as was the plan (as a side note, he didn't get home until late so I wasn't able to get there... anyway...) While a couple of the areas were a little overcrowded, I snagged a seat away from the commotion, near another gentleman who was also reading. He was working through the autobiography that Lee Iaccoca had written, which is of course interesting to me since its written by someone who was born and raised here in Allentown.

Eventually we get to talking and he notices that I'm in the midst of Dostoevsky. this simply opened countless doors for the guy, as he has read a lot of his works, and actually is well verse in some of the other writers and philosophers of the time (Hemingway, other niche authors [thanks Holly, I was being lazy], etc). So we get to talking and let me tell you, this guy was brilliant with some of the things he had to say. And it was nice to find someone who could talk about a lot of the items without getting too hot under the collar about it. Religion, politics, philosophy, etc - all great topics that were traversed. He mentioned he very much enjoys items that center around politics and economics. Especially those which have socialist ideas throughout (which I agree with in principle).

Now partway through the conversation he asks my thoughts on the 9/11 stuff. My response is my normal response - I personally feel that the government knew a lot more than they were told, if they were not the actual perpetrators. There are historical areas where governments used fear tactics to change the face of their country and push other agendas forward, and this may have been one of those times.

Of course it seems that was the answer he was looking for. He tells me I managed to run into him at just the right time. He explains that he actually makes copies of the "well made" conspiracy theory documentaries and distributes them to people who may be receptive of those ideals. Piracy in order to get ideas out there, what a thoughtful policy!

At any rate he passed on Tim Wise (who is a pretty famous speaker on racism), a documentary called In Plane Site (which is akin to the one called Loose Change), and Painful Deceptions. I plan to at least view them once... but with the intelligence the guy held, I almost wish he would have been producing the stuff himself. That would have been much more exciting. Instead I'll keep this as a possible memoir item, and get back to reading Dostoevsky - what a sick and spiteful man!

1 comment:

  1. Is Niche some important author I should know or is that a phonetic spelling of Nietzsche?
